"Our One Community LG program is absolutely one of the greatest strengths of our District! Without the uniting efforts of our wonderful Home and School Clubs, the Los Gatos Music Boosters, and the Los Gatos Education Foundation, the students in our District wouldn’t have access to program offerings from our Strategic Plan. I can’t think of another success this year in the District that rivals our One Community LG efforts! Our LGUSD students are the big winners as a direct result!” - Paul Johnson, LGUSD Superintendent
Dear Fellow LGUSD Parents,
Los Gatos is a family focused community that values and prioritizes quality education for its children. One Community LG (OCLG) was established in 2019 as a means to elevate the educational opportunities for Los Gatos children due to a lack of state funding. Without OCLG funds, Los Gatos children would only receive the state minimum core curriculum. Because of OCLG and the incredible parent community that supports it, our children are provided with an overall education experience that rivals any private education – providing world class teachers, art, science and technology programs, music for all grade levels, PE teachers and librarians, all classroom supplies, and more. Because of parent investment in our 2022-2023 fundraising drive, we are thrilled to be able to continue our Spanish language program for our students in Transitional Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.
We encourage you to browse this site and learn more about who we are and what your generous contributions make possible for our children. For questions, please contact any of our leaders by clicking on his/her/their name below.
We support One Community LG. We hope you will join our team and invest today in our children's education.