How to get community service credit for your volunteer hours:
To submit volunteer hours for students, visit the Fisher website and click on Student Programs, then Community Service Recognition, or you can visit visiting the One Community LG website at and click on the STEAM Nights, and then Fisher Volunteers.
Information you will need for the form: Organization Name: One Community LG Organization Description: Date: 8/21/24 Hours: 1 hour Description of Service: Training for STEAM Nights Supervisor: Jennifer Shapiro Supervisor Email: [email protected]
After your student completes their STEAM Night shifts, use the same organization, organization description, supervisor and email. Description of service would be STEAM Night Volunteer and length would be 1.5 hours or 3 hours depending on their shift(s). Submit a new form for each STEAM Night if you are doing more than one night.
Please email Jennifer Shapiro at [email protected] with any questions